The former things have passed away… Behold, I make all things new (Rev. 21:4-5)

God and god

I received an email recently from someone I know and love, with this disturbing information: “Something you may not know about me is that I have much experience in helping souls who are stuck for whatever reason in that dimensional space, the astral planes above the Earth.  I started this quite some time ago when I embarked on my own spiritual journey of healing and growth.  I found that it came somewhat natural to me and since have learned that during dreamstate I work with the souls on their turf in the astral planes.  Like a shaman or soul rescuer.  So I move in between worlds helping souls to heal so that they may move on to the higher spirit realms where they are meant to go… I trust 100% in my spiritual mentors and guides and all the loving Beings of the Light to assist me in this lovework…”

She used to be a practicing Catholic; I’m not sure what she is now. I guess some sort of an astral-plane dreamstate-shaman soul-rescuer who moves in between worlds and helps souls move on to higher spirit realms.  It would have been much better if she had remained a practicing Catholic and didn’t decide to start trusting in demons disguised as “Beings of Light” (see 2Cor. 11:14).  This sad (and dangerous) state of affairs is unfortunately not uncommon.  Such New Age nonsense tends to appeal to people who do not wish to be accountable for their actions and hence do not believe there is such a thing as sin and hence do not believe that they need a Savior to atone for their sins.  There’s no place for the Cross in this happy and light-bearing spirituality (remember that “Lucifer” means “light-bearer”).  So they think they are moving on to higher spirit realms, when in fact they are drawing ever closer to the infernal abyss, to which they will be introduced by their “guides” who are finally unmasked, but all too late.

She recommended a book, one of a popular series of “channeled” messages from “God” (henceforth “god,” in the interests of truth), by the charlatan—OK, let’s be charitable, the unwittingly deceived and deluded author—Neale Donald Walsch.  This one is called Home with God.  I found a site that reproduces the whole thing (probably to the chagrin of the author and the interest of his attorneys), so I thought I’d just present a few sample passages here, so you know what god is saying to those who would become evolved spiritual beings:

“Let us be clear. Hell does not exist. There simply is no such place. Therefore, there is no such place for you to go… There is no suffering of any kind in the Afterlife.

“There is no such thing as THE truth. We’ve already gone over that. Let it be enough that you get in touch with YOUR truth.

“There is no such thing as “good” and “bad.” They do not exist in Ultimate Reality. Good and bad are judgments made in the mind.

“You do not have to be “ordained” to be a minister in the world. God has ordained you by virtue of your being alive.

“No one religion and no one teaching is more “right” than another.

[Here’s a little dialogue exemplifying the “divine” doubletalk that characterizes the book]:

–That was a wonderful reply [which the author wrote to a friend]. I am sure that Sheila found it very, very comforting.

–Yes, but was it true? Or am I just making it all up?


–Yes, what?

–Yes to both questions. It is true because you are making it all up. You may have it any way that you wish.

–You keep telling me that, and I keep wanting to have it be a certain way because that’s the way it really is.

–But that is the way it really is. That is the way it “really is” because you keep creating it that way. If you wish to create it another way, it will be another way. This can be said, incidentally, about the whole of your life, on earth as it is in heaven…

Such passages are obvious hogwash to any Christian, or even any intelligent person.  Some other passages are more subtle and will probably appeal to those who are looking to find a reason to deny that God will judge us for our actions, and to those who are quite content to create reality any way they wish, so they can include all their sinful pleasures and console themselves that there is no such thing as good or bad. So there are no objective standards for morality or even truth itself.  Hey, everything is what you want it to be, you are the creator of your own reality, your own truth. If it feels good, do it, if it smells good, eat it; you can be your own god!

The combination in this book of half-truths, subtle and seductive reasonings, “enlightened” re-interpretations of the Bible and Christian faith and morality, along with outright lies, bears the clear signature of satan and the ever-helpful “guides” he offers to take us to new realms of the (evil) spirit.  The devil is still taking it hard that he couldn’t be a god and that St Michael threw him out of Heaven, so now he gets to be a best-selling co-author—and to his sinister, sneering delight, many people now believe that he is in fact God!  St Paul does sort of give the devil the nod by calling him “the god of this world,”  though only to denounce him as the one who has “blinded the minds” of gullible people “to keep them from seeing the light of the gospel of the glory of Christ…” (2Cor. 4:4).  The devil is the “god” to whom the channelers listen and by whom they are blissfully deceived.

I’ve written here in a sort of tongue-in-cheek style, but the issue is dead serious.  People are placing their immortal souls in danger by buying into all this new-age pseudo-spirituality, thinking they have transcended the taboos and commandments of outdated religion.  Somehow it’s not enough that God sent his only-begotten Son to die for us to take away our sins and make it possible for us to enjoy eternal life in Heaven.  Evidently God made a big mistake and Jesus died for nothing, because we have no sin in the first place.  Poor God! He should have waited until all these good books were published, so He could have learned something and spared his Son a whole lot of trouble!

We need to fight the good fight, and pray that the true God will unmask the demon guides who pose as beings of light, drawing unsuspecting people toward eternal darkness and misery.  Let us invite the holy angels into this fight, for it is not against flesh and blood but against the spiritual hosts of wickedness (see Eph. 6:12) in the upper regions, or shall we say, in the “astral planes.”

I’m tired of seeing people fall for this cheap deception, especially since the consequences are so dire, but they are very hard to talk to, because you see, all I’m saying to them is my truth, which is very fine for me, but they are living by their truth, which they have created just for themselves, and which makes them very happy.  They really do not wish to know what is true and what is not, what is right and what is wrong (“god” has instructed them to dismiss these matters, anyway); they just want pleasant spiritual experiences.

I must confess, though, that I am going to follow one of the counsels of “god,” which I was a little surprised to find there, but which just confirms the confusion of the chaotic counsels of the rest of the book.  Here it is: “Don’t believe a single thing I say…”

Let’s get the holy angels to unmask and rout the demons, so that people may be turned to God and away from the devil who likes to call himself “god” and deceive unsuspecting and undiscerning souls. I recently came across this prayer to Our Lady, which was given from Heaven in the 19th century to Fr Louis Eduard Cestac, the founder of a religious order:

“O sublime Queen of Heaven, exalted Lady of the Angels, thou hast the power and the commission given by God to crush the head of satan.  Therefore we humbly beseech thee, send to our aid thy heavenly legions, so that, under thy command and by thy power, they may pursue the hellish spirits, fight them everywhere, ward off their impudent attacks, and fling them back into the abyss.

“Who is like God?  You holy Angels and Archangels, defend and protect us!

“Good, kind Mother, you remain always our love and our hope!  O Mother of God, send us the Holy Angels to defend us and keep the evil one far from us. Amen.”